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Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to: Jailbreaking Your iPhone

This might just be the easiest How-To I ever write. So lets get to it! For today, we have 2 options. One is done through your computer, the other can be done directly through your iPhone.

Through the computer

STEP 1: Go here http://blackra1n.com/

STEP 2: On the bottom of that page, click on the operating system that you have (Windows or OS X)

STEP 3: Click the button that shows up, let the magic happen

STEP 4: Enjoy your newfound freedom

Through the iPhone

STEP 1: Pick your iPhone up, open Safari

STEP 2: Go to http://www.jailbreakme.com

STEP 3: Slide to enter the awesome zone

STEP 4: Win the internets.

NOTE: These methods may not work with certain iPhone OS releases, its always a good idea to see if your version can be jailbroken before upgrading!


  1. Is this doable with an ipod touch?

  2. Lovellama, yes it does work on an iPod Touch.

  3. Yeah is doable with the ipod touch
    I have an iPod touch jailbreaked and is the shit
    Nice blog !

  4. all i need now is an i phone

  5. cool , nice post gonna do it now lol

  6. my friend just did this with his, he says it was glitchy at first and required optimization but it works nicely now. Also you should add C++ to the poll, i'm sure more people than just me that read your blog now it.

  7. Don't have an iphone myself but my brother has I'll link him this post, thanks :)

  8. When I first saw how to do it on the iPhone itself I laughed so hard.

    So easy to fuck off Steve Jobbs :D

  9. wow thats really easy for ...whoever has the right version xD

  10. Awesome. Thanks for the info, broski.

  11. Thanks, trying this on my ipod touch!

  12. wow that was way easier than i thought
